Tour Blog

Well we finally made it off the Cape about 2 hours late, and were on the way to Ralphs Diner in Worcester.  Aside from some minor setbacks, nothing could stop us.  As we arrived at Ralph's we were welcomed by some of our closest friends.  When we walked in Demoralizer was ripping up the stage.  A decent turnout for for this Thursday show.  We set up all the gear and Forced Asphyxiaiton took the stage.  With a brutal assult of heavy ass Death groove i had a good feeling about the next 19 days.  These guys definetly know whats up!  We were up next, really stoked to kick this thing off. We played our set and seem to get a really good response.  Faces Of Bayon closed the show with a deep sludgey stoner inspiring set.  A very good way to wind down the night. We loaded up and headed back to the Grave Cave (aka) Kennys basement in Canton (aka) the GoshPit, for a good nights sleep!